My Philosophy Of Bible College Teaching

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The lecture of college teaching is very significant for me. I got the great idea and knowledge in my life through studying this. I believe that will be useful and effective in my ministry. There are many ways of teaching but bible college teaching is most important than the secular teaching because of the Gods ministry. Its a hard work to teach others to understand and to reach Gods purpose. Today Christian education is in the midst of challenges. Therefore, how we prepare ourselves and what shall we share for generation? It is necessary to have accuracy. I would like to express my philosophy based upon the philosophy of teaching through Mckeachies,

  1. What is important of learning, not teaching? Teaching effectiveness depends not just on what the teacher does, but rather on what the student does. Teaching involves listening as much as talking. Its important that is what goes on in the students minds. Those minds are not blank slates. They hold expectations, experiences, and conceptions that will shape their interpretation of the knowledge you present. Your task is to help them develop mental representations of your subject matter that will provide a basis for further learning, thinking and use.
  2. Teachers can occasionally be wrong. If they are wrong too often, they should not be teaching. If they are never wrong, they belong in heaven, not a college classroom.
  3. Classes are unpredictable. This can be frustrating, but it also makes teaching continually fascinating. Dont be discouraged if some students dont appreciate your teaching. You can interest all of your students some of the time, you can interest some of your students all of the time, but you cant interest all of your students all of the time.
  4. There are many important goals of college and university teaching. Not the least of these is that of increasing the students motivation and ability to continue learning after leaving college.
  5. Most students learning occur outside the classroom. This is both humbling and reassuring for the beginning teacher. It means that the students education will neither succeed nor fail simply because of what you do or dont do in the classroom. At the same time it reminds one to indirect attention to stimulating and guiding student learning outside class even more than to preparing to give a dazzling classroom performance.
  6. One key to improvement is reflection thinking about what you want to accomplish, and what you and the students need to do to achieve these goals.

Teaching is one of the most important professions in todays world. Especially, teachers role is important in our life to become successful in career and to approach ministry. A good teacher helps us to become a good human being in society and a good citizen of the kingdom of God. Teachers know that students are the future of any nation. Teachers communicate the data and information in the brain of students to analyze. Analyzing the situation is possible but the most important thing that we learn from teachers. God give the various kind of gift for His chosen people, especially the gift of teaching is most responsible for next generation. The gift for teachers is when students become a good relationship with God, and successful in their business and ministry. Not all teachers are good at teaching and similarly, not all students are like teachers. Some teachers are great and they are always in the heart of students. However, its important that the people realize of teachers and follow their lessons.

Preparing Ourselves

I recognize according to this lecture, teaching is an intentional, deliberate family of logical and strategic acts aimed at inducing learning of skills, knowledge and values. Firstly, we need to care about students because they dont care how much you know until they know how much you care. Because teacher personalities effect students emotionally and intellectually. Second, we need preparing the course syllabus to achieve students expectations. The syllabus is a primary source of information to guide our students throughout the semester and really about carefully explain a lot of the course components. The syllabus is a planning document, it helps our plan. Syllabus refers to the content of what is to be taught and the knowledge skills and attitudes which are to be deliberately grown together with stage specific objective. The syllabus determines the basic content of instruction is a given subject and the range of knowledge and skill which the pupils must acquire and establish details. Therefore, teachers have responsible to helping students will participate in the syllabus goal. Third, we need to learn the strategy of teaching method firstly. Students have different strategies for learning effectively and efficiently. Students emotions affect their process of learning. Teachers must figure out what motivates their students. Students with special need must be accustomed with the proper reinforcements and support they need. We need to prepare course description and syllabus, what knowledge or skills students must already possess in order to succeed in course.

We must teach students how to learn and how to search for truth. The class presentation suggest the best instruction gets students to do gathering data, observing (or) trying experiments, reading references, solving problems, working out projects.

To be careful is, teacher must model the type of study and teaching. According to the David Ausebels we need to focus on quality rather than quantity. Therefore the important for the teachers is to produce the quality persons for ministry. Jesus said Christian are the salt of the earth and the light of the world (Matthew 5: 13-14/ NIV). Thats why; my philosophy is teachers himself will also need the taste of the salt and light, then they can influence the students very well under the aim of course syllabus.

Focusing on the Objectives

Paul said, We were like young children among you. Just as a nursing mother cares for her children, so we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well(1 Thessalonians 2:7-8/ NIV). We can understand the nature of Paul ministry and leadership from this verse. Especially, we can learn from the relationship between Paul and Thessalonian believers. He builds on the idea that his effectiveness was based upon his perception of God. Therefore, the important thing in teaching is relationship with God then we can build well relationship between teachers and students. It is very supportive to achieve the goal of syllabus.

Our teaching skills that lead to positive student learning outcomes are the objective of every teacher. We need to follow Maslows Hierarchy that identified five facts needs for students and arranged them into a pyramid. The lower levels represent the most powerful needs. Especially its described physiological needs or basic needs for food, water, sleep, and shelter, the next level relates to security and the need to belong is the third level. According to this theory, we support students in all of those stages noted; students can perform at their fullest potential, which is the self-actualization stage. This theory can serve as an important reminder to educators to support all of the needs of students. If students have all of the stages met, they can achieve and create at their full potential.


To conclude, I believe this study will helpful resource for teachers and educators, pastors, chaplains, counselors and other Christian leaders who have some influence in our community. Especially, teaching impacts bible college educational systems as well as our churches. Every leader will need to think about the positive ways to leverage new teaching methods and adjust as more become available. However, many congregations have failed to connect with the Body of Christ and apply the resources that are already out there. Since people have come to expect the convenience that teach can potentially offer, progressive faith communities would definitely benefit from a forward-thinking leader who incorporates high-tech know how into an overall mission strategy.

Scripture says, Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverb 22:6/ NIV). To fulfill Gods will that teachers should handle and take responsibility to be actively involved in their education, it takes concerted effort by churches, governments, society and families to enable such a transition. We need to think about what it is doing to our brains, our hearts and our souls. We are too pervasively engaged with our teaching method to think self-reflectively about how it is affecting our lives, relationships and culture at large, how it is affecting our spiritual life. We do have responsible to improve bible college teacher training and teaching method to participate in ministry of God.


  1. Davis, Barbara Gross. Responding to a Changing Student Body: Teaching Academically Diverse Students. USA, Published by Jossey-Bass, 2009.
  2. Everett Mckinney, College Teaching
  3. Hyman Ronald T. Ways of Teaching. 2nd ed (NY: Lippincott, 1974). Quoated in Evelyn McKinney. College Teaching. Lecture presented at EBC, Yangon, Myanmar Dec.9.2019.
  4. Mckeachie. Teaching Tips: Getting Started. New York: Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006.

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