Should Drugs be Decriminalized ?

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This research’s main is to answer the negotiable question which is, should drugs be decriminalized worldwide or other words this research is about whether to make usage of drugs legal or illegal. drugs can destroy generations if used in a wrong way and some people dont know why it should be forbidden to be used at all ,so this research is made to help them understand the advantages and disadvantages of using drugs. To start with In 2001, nearly 20 years into Pereiras accidental specialization in addiction, Portugal became the first country to legalize the state of holding drugs or using them (Ferreira, 2017). In the writers point of view, drugs shouldn’t be legalized in any country in the world because drugs disadvantages outweigh its advantages.but, some people could use it even when they know that it has lots of disadvantages for some reasons but one of these reasons is that it can increase the creativity of a person and result in more creative work. In addition, the main countries that will be mentioned in this research will be Canada , Germany , United states and the writers birth country Egypt. Also, the opinion of the biology teacher will be mentioned to see what are the advantages and disadvantages of using drugs.

Global perspective


Canada’s new step in legalizing cannabis (which is one type of drugs) recreational usage for grown-ups has been the recent attention grabber internationally (Alcohol and Drug Foundation, 2019) ,the debate of legalizing cannabis became a trend in the 2015 Canadian Federal Election (Alcohol and Drug Foundation, 2019),so why did Canada legalize cannabis ,to start with To make the cannabis away from the small ones ,Not to make the criminals take advantage of selling the cannabis by taking the profit to themselves, To make sure that the public health and safety is kept away from harm by permitting the use of cannabis by mature ones.(Alcohol and Drug Foundation, 2019).there is also some rules that should be followed ,for example:Packaging is controlled ,and The businesses that make cannabis couldn’t support people ,events and facilities. People that hold cannabis should be aged more than 19 or 18 in Alberta and Québec. A research has been conducted 6 months before the decriminalization which highlighted that 14% of people living in Canada has smoked cannabis in the last three months, a study after legalization has been conducted with the results showed up in February 2019 which showed that ,55% of people in Canada never used cannabis and only 9% of Canadians has tried it once (Alcohol and Drug Foundation, 2019). To sum up, the move of legalizing cannabis is being watched by institutions like Statistics Canada.


Cannabis are known to be illegal in Germany but there is some cases to the rules, The private usage of cannabis is known to be a relaxation giver, for instance if a police officer saw someone who is smoking a joint he will only take it from him without doing anything else (Schuster, 2018).the consequence of holding drugs or selling them will depend on the circumstances so it is either paying paying 25000 euros or two years in prison for only people who use it who are over 21 yeas old (Schuster, 2018).cannabis could be classified to be slighter more danger causer than the rest of drugs ,but they are banned by the law neither selling them or sharing them or growing them because they have a negative effect on the brain and can cause addiction (Schuster, 2018).In march 2017 medical use of marijuana became legal, average of 1000 sick person has received the allowance to use marijuana for medical use (Schuster, 2018). in other words ,Germany criminalize drugs or to be specific cannabis due to its danger on the brain ,But, marijuana is legalized for only the medical usage an nothing else. To sum up, cannabis is not legalized in Germany but the laws of cremaliztion of cannabis is not strictly used but marijuana on the other hand is legalized for only medical Conclude, the country is more conservative to the health of its individuals, so, they didn’t legalize the use of drugs for all ages not just a specific age group to save people from the danger of drugs on the brain but they legalized marijuana for only the medical usage, on the other side of the coin they are not very strict in applying the law.

United states

Two thirds of people living in the united states are demanding legalization of marijuana and are increasing over the last 10 years (DANILLER, 2019),on the decreased from 52% to 32% from 2010 until today (DANILLER, 2019).a high percentage of adults in America wants to legalize the marijuana for medical treatment and recreational use and some of them wants it to legalized for only the medical usage (DANILLER, 2019),but the other small portion of adults in America wants to keep it illegal under all conditions for the sake of everyone (DANILLER, 2019),but on the other hand as Chairman Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y said The criminalization of marijuana has been a mistake, during the markup of the bill should be changed (Jr, 2019).Most of Millennials (who was born between 1981 and 1997), Generation X (who was born between 1965 and 1980) and Baby Boomers (who was born between 1946 and 1964) are with legalizing of marijuana but people from the Silent Generation (who was born between 1928 and 1945) (DANILLER, 2019).To sum up,a lot of people wants to legalize drugs in the united states or specially marijuana. there is some states in America that made it already legal and here is a list of some of these states,Alaska and California and Colorado and Hawaii and Maine Massachusetts and Michigan and Nevada (Bauer, 2018).

National perspective

A survey has been conducted to see what are the opinions of people on legalization of drugs in Egypt,so the questions where the how old are you, Are you with the legalization of drugs in Egypt and why,and is he/she with or against the legalization of drugs for only adults and why, all of the people who were between 31-40 said not to the thought of legalization of drugs no matter what is the age of the user and one of the answers were Because I don’t think that people are responsible enough in Egypt. We will see a lot of cases driving under influence, sexual harassment and so on. People using drugs should stay home at lease until the effect fades away but I am pretty sure this will not happen in Egypt. Which will lead to higher crime rate and he/she also said no for legalization of drugs for adults only with an answer For the same reason, people are not responsible enough to stay home while using drugs also all of the people who are between 15-20 said no to the legalization of drugs and one of the answers was Because legalization of drugs may lead to a severe consequences, because this experiment was tried in other countries only to control the drugs distribution and another one was Drugs cause alterations to the normal processes of the brain, which will cause changes to the behaviour of the addict, the result might be unforeseen violence. But the different answers began to be clear when they started to answer the question of legalization of drugs for adults and one of the answers of the with side is  Adults can handle themselves better than teenagers and know when to stop taking drugs,on the other side of the coin the one of the other sides answer is They can be very addictive and cost many lives through overdose and destroy,to conclude , all of them didnt agree about the possibility of legalizing drugs in Egypt but sum of them agreed to legalizing drugs for adults only not for all of the age ranges for the reason that adults can control themselves more than the younger ones.

local perspective

The local opinion in Egypt is the same as the last paragraph, as the last paragraph states that there are two types of people the one with the legalization of drugs an the ones against it ,but to talk about the local perspective I asked the biology teacher for his opinion about this concern, and he stated that drugs are very dangerous and it can be addictive which cause a lot of damage to the human body for example a weak immune system which makes the chance of illnesses larger more than other people, heart conditions which is not normal heart rate which can cause heart attacks , last but not least issues with memory, attention and decision-making which result in more difficult daily life this is a few problems from a lot more issues to sum up the teachers opinion is against legalization of drugs for the reasons stated addition,i asked a friend of mine in school and his answer was Because legalization of drugs may lead to a severe consequences, because this experiment was tried in other countries only to control the drugs distribution , this opinion is the same as the biology teacher they both stated that they are against the legalization of drugs and for the reasons the sum up, a huge number of people in Egypt are against the legalization of drugs but some of them in the paragraph before that agreed that it could be legalized for adults only and one of the answers was Adults have more self control

Problems faced

Of course,There is some problems that is seen in the countries that legalize drugs.for example the legalization of marijuana have impacted negatively on the society were it is legal in for instance, marijuana is beneficial if it is used for the medical usage only but what happens when it is used for non medical uses ,marijuana users might experience delusions and forget their identities which is obviously a disadvantage, also marijuana could be addicted which will break the family addition, drugs have a serious consequences on the brain and the behavior of the individual for example aggression and the lose of self-confidence which are serious draw backs to the human body in general and also the increase in aggression will cause a lot of accidents and the lose if friends and family. on the other side of the coin if a pregnant mom uses drugs this will badly affect her baby, to clarify the usage of drugs can cause pre-mature birth or less birth weight than the normal weight of babies also the mom who takes drugs can harm her baby or may not eat well which will also harm her baby (gatewayfoundation, 2019).in conclusion, drugs disadvantages out-weigh its advantages, as mentioned before Drugs cause alterations to the normal processes of the brain, which will cause changes to the behavior of the addict, the result might be unforeseen violence and for the unborn babies for adults for pregnant moms and of course for the children , people living in the countries which legalize drugs like Canada and Portugal will most and use drugs could be addicts and most likely they have the symptoms discussed above. solutions for these serious problems will be either criminalize the usage of drugs or keep it legal but with a strict laws that regulate the use of it.

Personal opinion

In my humble point of view,drugs disadvantages outweigh its advantages because as mentioned before drugs can be addicted and can cause crimes and drugs cause damage to the brain if addicted and can cause a lot of other damages as mentioned before,also drug shouldnt legalized in any country or for any specific age because drugs cause damage ignoring to the age and could be addicted not just for teenagers but also for adults .to sum up, my point of view is to criminalize the usage of drugs and selling them in all countries and for all ages

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