Advantages and Disadvantages of Layered Security

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Network Security


Nowadays, security is assuming a significant job in the field of IT businesses. A lot of upgrades have been made in current innovation most of the correspondences should be possible by utilizing the systems. Indeed, even we can likewise characterize as security the focal point of our lives in current days. All the significant exchanges should be possible using system security. Because of this, the associations need to give a lot of consideration to giving security to the systems. By giving security to the systems then it will be hard for programmers to hack the touchy data identified with clients, exchange, and so forth. It is significant that associations or enterprises need wide assortments of system security methodologies with the goal that they effectively shield the data from the programmers (Mariusz, 2007).

Layered security

Providing a single defense system for our devices cannot protect us from powerful cyber-attacks. These systems might have flaws that will come to the light only when it is attacked. Therefore, to increase security, layers of security defense systems are employed. In this way, the flaws of one security system are rectified by others. A simple example can be sighted to explain what layered security means. People normally install a protection suite for their desktops, and it contains layers of security features like an antivirus application, a firewall application, parental controls, an anti-spam application, and privacy controls (Huang & Zhu, 2020). The layered protection can help defend your desktop from viruses and other malware.

The layered security strategy is not about the implementation of the same security feature multiple numbers of times. The trick is to implement security features that perform different functions. Setting up two different antiviruses on the same desktop is not called layering, it is just causing redundancy and nothing more.

Advantages of Layered Security

The main advantage of layered security is that it guards against any polymorphic malware at any cost. The security strategies thoroughly scan all the files, data, links, or any other attachments that come in emails or via any other sources. Layered security can also protect your IT systems from network-level threats and data breaches.

Disadvantages of layered security

As the security systems developed, the threats increased and became powerful. Powerful enough to vent into any layered security system. The attackers now use advanced-level strategies to penetrate each layer of the security features. The main disadvantage of layered security is that the layering process of security features has become predictable over the course of time (Williams, Galyean & Welter, 2018). The complexity of layered security strategies makes them hard to implement, but whatever may the complexity levels be, the attackers are always updated enough to stay ahead of these complexities.

The integration of layered security features is also a demerit. When each new layer is added, care must be taken to avoid conflict between the features of the existing layer and the new one. This can be a tedious task as the functioning of an existing layer from therefore will depend on the new ones flaws and operation.

Defense in depth

This is a much more integrated and complex security strategy than layered security that is employed to protect network systems. In fact, layered security is only a part of the defense in depth. The defense-in-depth strategies address different problems and concerns some of which are the recovery of the system after a disaster or attack, forensic analysis, emergency reporting and response, accounting of the authorized activities, and monitoring of the systems. An important factor in this strategy is taking advantage of the threat delay time. A well-functioning system protected with this strategy will notify the user when a threat or attack is underway. Thus, when notified, you can implement the measures to counteract it and prevent further damages or data breaches.

Advantages of Defense-in-depth strategy

It is not necessary to secure each, and every asset related to a system, only the critical ones need maximum protection and continuous monitoring. If anyone of the systems fails to operate, then there are numerous other systems operating (Rahman et al., 2020). When multiple systems are used to eliminate the damage or threat, the company can be assured that even if one system fails, the whole system is still protected and monitored.

Disadvantages of a defense-in-depth strategy

It is very important to maintain a balance between too simple and too complex. A simple security feature-protected system can be easily attacked whereas people (employees) would not even feel to use the systems due to the complexity. Another disadvantage is the cost incurred during the installation and maintenance of the security feature. A company cannot allow a huge amount just for security features. The implementation alone would not be enough. The maintenance and education of the employees on how to use it can also cost a significant amount. Thus, the companies would need to identify the features they require and what they dont.

Comparison of Layered Strategy and Defense in Depth Strategy

The layered security and the resistance inside and out are ordinarily used to ensure the systems or organization sites. Both security procedures are generally regular in giving security to associations. Layered security is utilized to verify sites by utilizing various layers. The barrier inside and out is utilized to give greater security as the name itself determines that it gives security in the military setting. The honesty of the system framework is utilized to characterize the blend of data from various systems. Uprightness likewise needs a security technique for demonstrating security. As the name indicates that relatively, it is increasingly secure when contrasted and layered security. The resistance top to bottom augments the extent of the arrangement that reacts well to new conditions (Mariusz, 2007).

Security features are required in this digital era. As the systems and security features are made complex, the attacks are also advancing and attackers somehow managed to be ahead of all these complexities. Thus, spending a fortune on security features cannot necessarily ensure security, but what you need is tailored security features that can secure your important information and systems.


  1. Mariusz. S. (2007). The Principles of Network Security Design. Retrieved from
  2. Huang, L., & Zhu, Q. (2020). A dynamic games approach proactive defense strategies against Advanced Persistent Threats in cyber-physical systems. Computers & Security, 89, 101660. doi: 10.1016/j.cose.2019.101660
  3. Rahman, M., Rahman, M., Wang, H., Tajik, S., Khalil, W., & Farahmandi, F. et al. (2020). Defense-in-depth: A recipe for logic locking to prevail. Integration. doi: 10.1016/j.vlsi.2019.12.007
  4. Williams, C., Galyean, W., & Welter, K. (2018). Integrating quantitative defense-in-depth metrics into new reactor designs. Nuclear Engineering And Design, 330, 157-165. doi: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2018.01.008

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