The Unmanageable Star Performer: Vijay Case

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Defining the Issue: A Star Manager with a Diva Attitude

Creating the environment in which employees will be able to not only meet the existing performance standards but also refresh to have an opportunity to reflect on the accomplished goals, get the priorities straight, and set the course for the further improvements is crucial. In the case under analysis, the absence of time for recreation and rethinking of the tasks and goals is the primary problem that must be addressed. Although Vijay might seem to be the primary problem, he is not the issue  instead, his attitude is. Therefore, it is crucial to convince Vijay to change his approach to handling staffs performance toward a more people-driven framework with a greater emphasis placed on leadership rather than on management.

Gearing Vijays current approach toward a more leadership-driven one should, therefore, be viewed as the essential task that Stefan should accomplish. However, it is also crucial to make sure that Vijay does not leave the organization. In other words, Stefan should not include in his description of an improved organizational environment any details that Vijay may consider as hostile to his persona or diminishing his role in the context of the organizational environment. Therefore, a very heavy emphasis must be placed on the innovative idea of building the realm for the staffs long-term growth. As a result, a significant amount of pressure will be taken off the employees, whereas the concept based on which Vijays management model is based on (i.e., the focus on the consistent improvement) will remain intact. Consequently, the foundation for meeting the needs of all stakeholders involved will be provided.

Analyzing the Case Data: Management vs. Leadership

The issue of high staff turnover rates needs to be addressed immediately. As stressed above, Vijays inability to build an efficient leadership strategy coupled with his propensity to focus solely on management issues should be regarded as one of the key concerns. Because of the lack of leadership-related elements in his current approach toward handling organizational problems, he cannot meet the needs of the staff member into account. Thus, it is crucial to convey the message about the need to take the unique characteristics and needs of the staff into account to Vijay.

Furthermore, a closer look at the case under analysis will reveal that Vijay is mismanaging the process of communication. Particularly, he dismisses the feedback provided by the staff. Furthermore, with his authority serving as a massive tool for pressuring employees into submission, the staff members are afraid of voicing their needs and requirements. As a result, the environment in which Vijay remains completely unaware of the problems that he created is built. Consequently, addressing the problems linked to communication between employee and managers must be regarded as an important issue on the agenda.

It would be wrong to claim that Vijays current approach is entirely inconsistent as far as the management of personnel is concerned. Quite on the contrary, the emphasis on the importance of delivering the services of the finest quality and the use of charismatic leadership are crucial in the environment of the global market (Sims and Quatro 358). That being said, it is also paramount for the organization to invest in its staff members so that a team of resourceful people with innovative ideas and high-quality performance levels be built. Thus, when considering the possible routes for resolving the issue, one must admit that creating the environment in which Vijay will be comfortable about the changes that are to be implemented in the organization is essential (Kolb and Porter 79).

Generating Alternatives: Seeking out Other Strategies

Adjustment (Skills Training)

When considering alternatives, one may also study the opportunities for helping the staff members meet the demands set by Vijay. Seeing that the company operates in the realm of the global economy and, thus, must address competition issues on a regular basis, it will be a sensible idea to suggest that Vijay create the framework for the consistent improvement of the employees knowledge and skills. As a result, the platform for building the team that will meet the quality standards set by Vijay will be built (Elingit 12).

The specified solution has several advantages that can be viewed as the additions to the existing competitive advantage of the company and, therefore, the means of increasing its market value. Particularly, the use of the strategies that will encourage employees to engage in the consistent learning process and the acquisition of the relevant knowledge and skills will serve to invest in the companys employees. The identified step will lead to a rise in employee loyalty levels since they will realize that they are valued by the organization, and that their professional and personal development is viewed as important by the company. In addition, the specified change in the Human Resources Management (HRM) process will align with the idea of quality standards set by Vijay. Consequently, the foundation for a gradual improvement of the turnover rates will be created.

It should be borne in mind, though, that the said strategy has its problems, the issues regarding the leadership style of Vijay and his attitude toward employees being the key one. For instance, the suggested tool does not promote the concept of multiculturalism and individual approach that are crucial to help Vijay realize that employees needs must be addressed when leading a team. Instead, the framework will reinforce his idea of the companys needs being held in higher regard than those of the staff. Therefore, the application of the identified approach should be postponed until the primary approach is proven wrong. Moreover, the issue of workload will also have to be addressed once the identified framework is deployed.


Apart from the suggested approach, one may also use negotiations to reduce the range of responsibilities to which Vijay is currently entitled. While the specified approach must not lead to Vijay suspecting that the company doubts his leadership skills, it may be required to channel his efforts in a different direction. For instance, while other people will be given an opportunity to redesign the current approach toward HRM, Vijay will be asked to explore new options for enhancing the quality management processes, the communication with customers, etc. Given his responsible attitude, there are reasons to assume that Vijay will use the specified assignment as an opportunity to expand his leadership abilities and, consequently, acquire the knowledge about the necessity to meet the needs of employees (Weinberg et al. 114).

Needless to say, the specified solution is fraught with numerous difficulties, the key one being the very likely resistance toward the change from Vijay. Seeing that he feels very comfortable as a leader at present, it is unlikely that he will accept new roles and responsibilities that will reduce his influence in the organization. Furthermore, the supposition that Vijay will ultimately realize the need to take the unique characteristics of the staff members into account is unlikely to prove true since the identified process will not be controlled and, instead, imply that Vijay should gain the necessary experience on his own. While encouraging independence is an important step in promoting the professional development of the company members, as well as prompting them to acquire leadership skills, it is likely to take a significant amount of time. With the introduction of more rigid control tools, though, the identified approach may be used as the means of managing the situation.


Finally, one might argue that doing nothing is the most sensible step in the specified scenario. Indeed, given the current situation, in which Vijay has gained a significant weight as the person at the helm of most corporate processes and in control of the firms performance, making the atmosphere even tenser might not be a sound idea. The staff turnover rates may be handled by creating the training courses that will allow the employees to acquire the competencies and skills that Vijay deems as essential. As a result, the firm will avoid the critical situation in which it will be deprived of an opportunity to maintain its competition levels at the required level (Levenson 27).

The proposed framework, however, is going to take a significant effort and a vast amount of corporate resources to implement. With increasingly high turnover rates, there is a probability of spending a huge number of corporate resources with little certainty that the expenses will be compensated. Therefore, the said approach should only be used unless other avenues for handling the problem are available.

Selecting Decision Criteria: Key Stakeholders and Their Needs

In order to improve the current situation, one must choose the strategy that will help attain the set goals. Therefore, the tools for measuring the achieved progress will be required. Among the milestones that will help determine the overall success of the actions to be taken by Stefan, one must mention the criteria such as the opportunities for increasing staff satisfaction levels, the possibility of reducing the levels of workload and pressure that has been put on the staff, the chances for maintaining the levels of Vijays satisfaction high so that he could remain a member of the organization, and the overall course for the consistent improvement set by the organization. The issue concerning the staff satisfaction rates is, perhaps, the most important one along with Vijays enthusiasm since both define the performance of the company. Indeed, with the sharp drop in the staff retention levels that can be currently witnessed, there is a high probability of a failure in the context of the global market. Similarly, Vijays leave will lead to a drastic drop in the performance rates among the staff members since, at present, his authoritarian leadership strategy is what is holding the key workplace processes together. Therefore, both Vijays and staffs satisfaction levels should be considered the primary criteria for the decision-making process (Williams 38).

Analyzing and Evaluating Alternatives: Attitude as the Key Problem

Exploring the available opportunities, one must give credit to the idea of using negotiations as the key tool in managing the problem. Seeing that Vijay is deeply invested in the management process and concerned with the companys progress, he is likely to be very emotional about the attempts to reduce his power and alter the current HR management strategy. If the latter is changed rapidly and abruptly, he is most likely to view it as a threat to both the quality of the companys products and services, as well as his authority in the organization. Therefore, it will be necessary to make sure that Vijay be critical and objective during the conversation. Thus, the negotiation process based on the idea that the company should maintain transparency in all its domains, including the specified one, will have to be deemed as a necessity.

When considering the primary impediments to the successful implementation of the identified strategy, one must mention the attitude issues that Vijay has been demonstrating when managing the companys key processes. Particularly, it is likely that he will dismiss anything that will threaten his authority. The adoption of the negotiation framework will supposedly help Vijay view the situation from an objective viewpoint. Once he realizes that the company values him and his contribution to its development, he is likely to accept the changes that will be suggested to him, particularly, the alterations in the management of the staff and their schedule.

When carrying out the identified task, one must make sure that the environment in which Vijay will be fully comfortable to accept the proposed solution be created. For instance, the idea of altering the approach toward managing the human resources must be introduced to Vijay as the chance to expand his leadership skills and gain new and essential knowledge.

Furthermore, it will be necessary to prompt Vijay to think of the idea of altering his current approach toward HRM on his own. As a result, the star leader will not become upset about the criticism of his leadership style and will be able to view the idea of switching toward a new manner of leading the team as a viable opportunity. By giving Vijay more agency in designing the foundation for the further change, one will be able to create the environment in which he will be comfortable enough to accept some of the facts about the necessity to expand his skills and knowledge about HRM.

Selecting the Preferred Alternative: The Art of Being Honest and Direct

Similarly, the principle of negotiation must be viewed as the next most important alternative solution to the problem. As stressed above, it is imperative to make sure that Vijay think of introducing change into the organizational environment on his own. Consequently, creating the setting in which Vijay will share his idea of a perfect organizational environment and describe his aspirations and dreams regarding his further progress in the corporate setting is crucial. Therefore, it will be necessary to express gratitude for the efforts that Vijay has made to make the firm succeed in the global market, at the same time driving the conversation toward the current organizational issues and encouraging him to reconsider his role in the lives of the staff members, particularly, regarding the pressure that they experience and the possible tools for helping them overcome the current challenges.

Developing an Action/Implementation Plan: ADKAR as the Key Tool

Seeing that a range of complexities ranging from Vijays resistance toward change to the staffs lack of enthusiasm and motivation will have to be addressed, the ADKAR (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement) framework for implementing change will have to be incorporated into the action plan (Voehl and Harrington 57).


Vijay must recognize the necessity to change. The specified step must be carried out by having an open conversation with Vijay in the setting that he considers comfortable and secure. Thus, resistance toward change will be minimized, and reasonable behavior is expected.


By creating premises for Vijay to recognize the issue and provide a solution independently, one will make him enthusiastic about the change.


It will be crucial to encourage Vijay to develop the skills necessary for introducing a new leadership framework, preferably, a transformational one. Thus, Vijay will seek the knowledge that will help him evolve professionally. Consequently, he will develop the ability to set more reasonable goals and meet the needs of employees. Furthermore, it is expected that Vijay will recognize the necessity to address the cultural specifics of the staff and their individual characteristics to enhance their performance.


By creating the setting in which Vijay will be willing to acquire new knowledge and skills, one will empower him to learn the necessary information actively. Thus, Vijay will gain the ability to change.


Finally, the tools for enhancing, monitoring, and controlling change will need to be established. For this purpose, the significance of communication must be explained to Vijay. Consequently, the consistent dialogue between Vijay and the company will be maintained. Furthermore, the emphasis on communication will contribute to the active promotion of a conversation between Vijay and the staff members. Consequently, the opportunities for meeting their needs more effectively and, thus, reducing the turnover rates, will be built.

Recommendations: Focusing on Problem Solving

Seeing that Vijay is very concerned about the role that he plays in the company, as well as the degree to which he can exert his influence and use the charismatic leadership strategy, it will be sensible to create the environment in which he will not feel personally attacked during the conversation. After a comfortable setting is created, it is crucial to be open and transparent about the situation in the organization; otherwise, Vijay may feel manipulated and, thus, refuse from cooperating. Finally, it is advised that Vijay should be presented with the necessity to change his leadership style toward a more people-oriented one as an opportunity for professional growth. Thus, the foundation for change will be built.

Works Cited

Elingit, Romano O. Effects of Motivation on Staff Turnover: A Case of Teachers in Private Schools in Busia Municipality, Kenya. GRIN Verlag, 2015.

Kolb, Deborah M. and Jessica L. Porter. Negotiating at Work: Turn Small Wins into Big Gains. John Wiley & Sons, 2015.

Levenson, Alec. Strategic Analytics: Advancing Strategy Execution and Organizational Effectiveness. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2015.

Sims, Ronald R. and Scott A. Quatro. Leadership: Succeeding in the Private, Public, and Not-for-profit Sectors. Routledge, 2015.

Voehl, Frank H. and James Harrington. Change Management: Manage the Change or It Will Manage You. CRC Press, 2016.

Weinberg, Ashley, et al. Organizational Stress Management: A Strategic Approach. Springer, 2015.

Williams, Dean. Leadership for a Fractured World: How to Cross Boundaries, Build Bridges, and Lead Change. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2015.

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