Category: Dentistry
Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Case Study *** Use the attached PDF PowerPoint to answe
Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Case Study *** Use the attached PDF PowerPoint to answer the questions below Today you are presenting your dental hygiene care plan for four-quadrant, initial therapy, periodontal debridement to Mr. Shizoka. You will ask the patient to sign an informed consent form before you begin your treatment. Mr. Shizoka, does not…
CEREC Vs Traditional Crowns: Pros and Cons in Dentistry
Crowns date back almost 4,000 years. Skeletons in Asia have revealed golden caps and gold tooth replacements on teeth. Unlike back then dentistry has become more esthetic with patients wanting tooth-colored crowns instead of gold or alloys. Patients prefer people not knowing they have received dental work. A purpose to a crown is to protect…
Dental Materials and Their Compliance with Standards
This assignment will critically analyze the differences of various governing bodies. There are three main governing bodies. Such organizations are the International Standard Organization (ISO), the European Commission (CE) and the British Standard Institution (BSI). The ISO is an organization that sets standards of materials worldwide. The BSI and CE govern standards across Britain and…
Nanotechnology in Interdisciplinary Dentistry
Science means constantly walking a tightrope between blind faith and curiosity; between expertise and creativity; between bias and openness; between experience and epiphany; between ambition and passion; and between arrogance and conviction – in short, between an old today and a new tomorrow, – Heinrich Rohrer. The concepts that gave an idea of nanotechnology were…
Smart Materials in Pediatric Dentistry
McCabe et al. defined smart materials as materials whose properties might be changed in a controlled manner by improvements, such as stress, temperature, moisture, pH and electric or magnetic fields. A key feature of smart behavior includes an ability to come back to the first state after the upgrade has been evacuated. These materials respond…
Deformities in the World of Dentistry
There are many deformities that exist in the world of dentistry ranging from the head down to the neck. Deformities are common condition that are linked to birth defects or genetics (Merriam-Webster, 2019). They can be mild abnormalities to more severe defects that can require surgical correction. Because some conditions can be severe and detrimental…
Use of Lasers in Dentistry
Laser was put in or introduced in dentistry in 1960s. Then, a persistent range of studies were made on various applications of laser in dental practice. The two major types of lasers were came in terms of clinical implementations: hard lasers such as (CO2) carbon dioxide, neodymiumyttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG), and erbiumyttrium aluminum garnet (Er:YAG)…
State of Oral Health of Population in Vietnam: Analytical Essay
Vietnam, capitol Hanoi, is a Southeast Asian country bordered by Cambodia, China, Laos and Malaysia with the Vietnamese dong as the national currency. The national language is Vietnamese with few confident English speakers despite learning it in school, but due to the history of one thousand years of Chinese occupation and French colonization in the…