Category: Distracted Driving/Texting and Driving
Texting and Driving: Argument Essay
Distracted use is an exercise where the driver takes his eyes off the avenue and diverts his or her attention. Distracted riding consists of texting, using a cell phone, ingesting or drinking, reading, speaking to passengers, searching the GPS, etc. When people are using they need to focal point on the road, their lifestyles are…
Distraction By Smartphones While Driving: Responsibility To Own And Other People Lives
Have you ever been in a car and felt like the drivers mind wasnt completely on the road? If yes, do you think they should lose their licence for distracted driving? Particularly using a mobile phone while driving? Good morning ladies and gentlemen, today, distracted driving by using a mobile phone is becoming a severe…
Bad Driving Habits And Unsafe Driving
Is it Worth it? Distraction on the road seems very extremely easy and appears as a deadly matter. Crashes and even deaths occur when taking that quick second to look away. If an individual is on a phone texting, talking, or listening to music anything happens when looking away while driving. Or even eating, searching…
Causes And Solutions Of Fatal Road Accidents
Fatal road accident can be defined as a death resulting from an unfortunate mishap happened on a public road involving one or more vehicle. The world has the highest road fatality risk among the ASEAN and made it to the top three countries in the world of the list of fatal road accidents with a…
Texting And Driving Is A Widespread Problem That Is Killing
As these immense questions arise up and around many times, as for whats leading upon this issue of distracted drivers, and the solution to this varies upon our communitys viewpoints for some can be positive or negative as for some, distracted driving is defined as the preparation of driving a vehicle while engaging in…
Distracted Driving: The Roads Are The Death Traps To Those Who Drive On Them
It doesnt matter what I do … it doesnt matter what I accomplish; that will always come second. I will always be Reggie Shaw, the person who took two lives in a car accident (Macavinta 1). These are the words from a man who was a part of an upcoming epidemic for the world, distracted…
Behind The Wheel: Stopping Distracted Driving
When you think of distracted driving, texting, or talking on the phone are likely the first things to come to mind. But, according to the article Distracted Driving, author Bruce Law says that some of the less obvious factors may be eating while driving, talking to other people in the car, and even driving while…
How Dangerous It Can Be To Text Or Talk While Driving
Technologies in the ways of communications and technology-based have improved greatly over the last decade. Years before technology started to become advanced and simpler, there was the old fashion technology that was in use. This was the landline connection to houses, offices, stores, and phone booths to communicate with friends and family. The mobile device…
Exemplification Essay on Driving Distractions
It took a tie-breaking vote by Mayor Tammy De Weerd to pass the hands-free ordinance through a divided Meridian city council. If you are pulled over for using a handheld device while driving in Meridian, expect to pay a total of $155 in penalty and court costs according to Meridian Police Chief Jeff Lavey. Meridian…