Category: Leadership Development

  • Reflection Paper on Leadership

    What is leadership? Many people believe that leadership is simply being able to get individuals to work towards a common goal but leadership is more complex than that. Leadership can be defined in many ways. One definition of leadership is that it is how an individual utilizes influence over other people by inspiring, motivating and…

  • Transformational Leadership Style and Accreditation Status

    Every individual has some dreams for their betterment, improvement or successful future, but unfortunately only having dreams and goals is not sufficient. There should be practical steps to achieve these goals and aspirations, and these steps and actions demand a different kind of knowledge, skills and talent to become successful. Accepting the benefits of organizational…

  • Leadership and Its Function in Developing Psychological Connect

    Currently the organizations are in the phase of transition economy characterized by liberalization, macroeconomic stabilization, restructuring & privatization, legal & institutional reforms and resultant privatization, price liberalization, trade & foreign exchange, competition policy, infrastructure reform and many more. Essentials to survive this change include better technology, better infrastructure and better people with effective communication. Leadership…

  • Followership and Servant Leadership

    Servant leadership and followership play a big fundamental factor in the Armys structure today. They both coincide with one another in the process of leadership development. It is almost impossible to have one without the other. They both consist of many of the same traits, but some key similarities are trust, respect, and adaptability. Even…

  • Understanding of My Leadership Journey

    This essay endeavours to reflect upon the underlying influences and theories that have formed my understanding of leadership. It will seek to assess strengths, weaknesses and how I may integrate contemporary leadership theory to become a more effective member of organisational leadership. It is critical to acknowledge a definition of leadership at the outset of…