Category: Python
A project that has three parts. Part A: Build a UAE Tourism Website using html a
A project that has three parts. Part A: Build a UAE Tourism Website using html and css, Part B: doing Grocery Store Management System using python lists and all explained inside Last part: Report Structure for (Part A and B).
- watch this video and follo watch this video and follow the instruction please, thanks
Guidelines: 1. Need separate files for D3.JS and Python libraries-related Questi
Guidelines: 1. Need separate files for D3.JS and Python libraries-related Questions. 2. Submit a .doc file for D3.JS in which you should include the explanation, screenshots of code, visualizations, and vizhub links. —- Will share the GitHub creds to be used 3. Submit the IPYNB file along with the PDF version of IPYNB for questions…
important note ” don’t use AI and don’t use others work and work based on the de
important note ” don’t use AI and don’t use others work and work based on the details. E-bookstore Management System Problem Statement: The Great E-books Store requires a software application to enhance the customer experience and streamline internal operations. The critical requirements for the software application are as follows: E-book Management: The system should maintain…
write and execute code in Python programming language using Google collab. Desc
write and execute code in Python programming language using Google collab. Describe the problem statement, input data, method, code and obtained results in the related report. Need ipynb source file, a word document having description for the methods used as part of the code in order to solve the question and output
write a program using python that allows to covert temperature between Celsius a
write a program using python that allows to covert temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit using menu system. Just follow all the steps given in the picture providedPls do not use any Ai because it is wrong can be proven so pls follow all steps overtly no Ai.
write a program using python that allows to covert temperature between Celsius a
write a program using python that allows to covert temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit using menu system. Just follow all the steps given in the picture providedPls do not use any Ai because it is wrong can be proven so pls follow all steps overtly no Ai.
Basics of python programming and detailed explanation of Evolution of python and
Basics of python programming and detailed explanation of Evolution of python and importance of python programming and why should we need to learn python
Learning Goal: I’m working on a python question and need the explanation and ans
Learning Goal: I’m working on a python question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. 1. **Variables and Data Types:** a. Declare a variable `name` and assign your name to it. b. Create variables for storing an integer, a float, and a string.
Scenario Instructions You are an English major who has been given an assignment
Scenario Instructions You are an English major who has been given an assignment to analyze Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech. Open the file (in Replit) that contains Dr. King’s “I have a dream” speech. Print the total number of characters in the speech. Open another file for output. Write only the first paragraph…